I have no idea how often I will have this post or when exactly I'm going to post it. This is a work in progress. I do however know that I want to share my very random thoughts that pop into my head with you. Many are bookish thoughts and many are not. Sometimes these posts will be one topic and sometimes just a list of random ideas, who knows. This week it is a list. I feel like I don't have enough discussion type posts on the blog so I am giving this a whirl.
1. I may love books and reading is without a doubt my first and foremost favorite hobby, but I also love movies and tv shows. For some reason, I have honestly no idea why, I avoid writing a lot of posts about my other hobbies. I just always feel like I can only write about books on here, but this is my blog so really I can talk about whatever I want.
2. NaNoWriMo begins super soon, like super super soon (tomorrow), and I am not ready. I have a basic idea of what I want to write about but that is it. The worst part, I never even finished editing the book I wrote last year. Therefore, sometimes I'm pretty sure I shouldn't even do NaNoWriMo thisyear. I mean what's the point? BUT I am going to participate anyway so I guess I don't care that much.
3.Confession: I am just like almost every one else this time of year, I love all things pumpkin. I'm not ashamed. I even tried the iced pumpkin mocha at Dunkin. I don't regret it.
4. I love binge watching tv shows. The catch, I very rarely ever finish a show I begin watching. I get bored. I do however sometimes end up finishing the show eventually when I feel like it at a much later date.
5. Now I'm going to share with you my most deepest darkest secret... sometimes I'm just not in the mood to read. It doesn't happen often but it has known to occur from time to time. I hate when it happens. Usually my husband forces me (don't worry he does so in a nice way) to sit down to read, and I always end up thanking him profusely.
6. There is some crazy blogger/author stuff going on right now (I'm sure you have heard about it on Twitter). I like to stay out of all drama, but I will say that I never in any circumstance think stalking is okay.
7. They encourage us to dress up for Halloween at work (the library). Last year I was Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series. Today I am going to be a minion!
8. I don't understand turning any and all costumes into slutty costumes. This list of sexy Halloween costumes that shouldn't be sexy sums up my thoughts on the topic perfectly.
That's it for this round of It's a Book Life's Gab Session. I actually really enjoyed gabbing with you and I think I will be making this a weekly thing. We shall see. Join in on the Gab Session below. I would love to hear your random bookish and not bookish thoughts!
6. There is some crazy blogger/author stuff going on right now (I'm sure you have heard about it on Twitter). I like to stay out of all drama, but I will say that I never in any circumstance think stalking is okay.
7. They encourage us to dress up for Halloween at work (the library). Last year I was Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series. Today I am going to be a minion!
8. I don't understand turning any and all costumes into slutty costumes. This list of sexy Halloween costumes that shouldn't be sexy sums up my thoughts on the topic perfectly.
That's it for this round of It's a Book Life's Gab Session. I actually really enjoyed gabbing with you and I think I will be making this a weekly thing. We shall see. Join in on the Gab Session below. I would love to hear your random bookish and not bookish thoughts!