February 14, 2017

TTT #75: My Favorite Contemporary Romance Books

In honor of Valentine's Day, here are some of my favorite contemporary romance books! I stuck with young adult and new adult books for this list.

1. Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
2. Things We Know by Heart by Jessi Kirby
3. The Distance Between Us by Kasie West
4. The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson
5. Losing It by Cora Carmack

6. Walk the Edge by Katie McGarry
7. The Way to Game the Walk of Shame by Jenn P. Nyugen
8. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
9. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
10. 738 Days by Stacey Kade

February 9, 2017

Library Loot #55

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Linda from Silly Little Mischief that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library.

I haven't done a library loot post since December. Grad school really is taking away my reading for pleasure time. Although, I do think I am starting to get into a routine which will help a great deal.

My Library Loot

1. I read a review of this somewhere and knew I had to give it a try.

2. I can't wait to read this. I loved Reign of Shadows!

3. Although this isn't my favorite series, the ending of the last book is making me read this one.

4. A girl who can't leave the house. A boy who doesn't care.

5. I am back into and devouring the Chicagoland Vampire Series.

Have you gotten anything good from the library lately?

February 6, 2017

Bog Tour Review & Giveaway: Gold Rush by Jennifer Comeaux

Gold Rush by Jennifer Comeaux
Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult
Length: 338 pages
Source: I received a copy of this book through Xpresso Book Tours. Thanks!
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
My Rating:
Liza Petrov’s entire life has been about skating and winning her sport’s top prize – Olympic gold. She’s stayed sheltered inside her bubble, not daring to stray from her destined path. Until she meets Braden Patrick. He makes her heart flutter with possibility, and for the first time she gets a taste of a normal teenage life. She longs to have both the boy and the gold, but stepping outside her bubble comes with a price. As Liza begins to question both her future and her past, can she stay focused on the present and realize her ultimate dream?

My Review

Gold Rush in Three Words: Passionate. Endearing. Friendship.

Gold Rush was the perfect getaway read after a really long week of reading nonfiction texts for grad school. It charmed me from the very first page.

Liza's life is all about figure skating. She wants nothing more than to win Olympic gold. It's too bad she meets Braden, a sweet and hot guy that she has an immediate connection with. Life starts to get tricky, and she has to figure out a way to balance it all. I adored Liza and I enjoyed reading about her passion for skating. I know little about the sport, but had no trouble visualizing the amazing jumps and footwork Liza does. I also loved reading every scene staring Braden. These two kids were too cute for words. I felt like their actions and story could happen in real life and I loved that.

I smiled the entire time I was reading Gold Rush. Liza's passion and watching her figure out what she wants out of life gave me all the feels. I was so engrossed in her story that I sat down and read this book in one sitting. Gold Rush is filled with nail biting figure skating scenes, a little family drama, friendship, fun times, and some swoon-worthy moments.

The Verdict: Gold Rush is an adorable must read. I will be reading this author's other works.

The Author

Jennifer Comeaux is a tax accountant by day, writer by night. There aren’t any ice rinks near her home in south Louisiana, but she’s a diehard figure skating fan and loves to write stories of romance set in the world of competitive skating. One of her favorite pastimes is traveling to competitions, where she can experience all the glitz and drama that inspire her writing. When she’s not writing, traveling, or calculating taxes, you can find her feeding her television addiction.

The Giveaway

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February 3, 2017

My Short Rant On Spoilers

I know some people don't mind spoilers. Heck, I even have a few friends that enjoy spoilers! They are weird, I know. ;)

As for me, I HATE spoilers. I will go crazy if something is spoiled for me. It can look a little something like this...

So here is my plea. This one is to all the bloggers and reviewers out there. All I ask is that you make a clear warning before you spoil something. I understand that sometimes you MUST talk to someone about something big that happened in a book or tv show as soon as you finish. We have all been there. BUT I really don't think it is too much to ask that you have a spoiler warning before a book review that contains spoiler.

As for Facebook and Twitter... I know that is a little different. Yet it only takes 7 characters to warn of a spoiler before you post/tweet. The only time I somewhat understand when someone spoils a show is when they are live tweeting. That is why I NEVER go on Twitter when one of my big shows (The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones, etc.) is on because I don't have cable and watch everything the next day and that would just be asking for trouble. Other than the live tweeting thing, I don't see why you can't put SPOILER before your Tweet or Facebook post. That way I don't actually skim/see something I rather wouldn't.

Rant over. That wasn't so bad was it? I tried to keep it as short and polite as possible.

Do you hate spoilers as much as I do? Share your pains below!

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