August 29, 2018

TTT #91: Non-fiction TBR Pile

This week's topic is "Back to School." Therefore, I decided to highlight non-fiction titles that are on my TBR pile. I have been reading more and more of them lately, and can't seem to get enough.


1. (Don't) Call Me Crazy: 33 Voices Start the Conversation About Mental Health by various authors
This is an important topic. I will be reading this book and buying a copy for the library.

2. Bonnie and Clyde: The Making of a Legend by Karen Blumenthal
My dad and I used to watch the old Bonnie and Clyde movie whenever it was on late at night growing up. We may just have to read this book together.

3. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
As someone who enjoys writing and does lots of creative things for my job, I think I need to finally read this book.


4.The Borden Murders: Lizzie Borden & the Trial of the Century by Sarah Miller
True Crime always spikes my interest, and this is one I have always wanted to know more about.

5. The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater
This book has been getting a lot of recognition. 

6. Very, Very, Very, Dreadful: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 by Albert Marrin
As someone who is afraid of dying and getting sick I probably shouldn't read this book, but I have heard too many good and interesting things about it to pass it up.

7. Blood, Bullets, and Bones: A History of Forensic Science by Bridget Heos
A friend of my recommended this one to me.

8. Goodbye, Sweet Girl by Kelly Sundberg
Since this memoir is about domestic violence I know it is going to be hard to read, but if the author wanted to share her story then I want to read it.

9. What Stands in a Storm by Kim Cross
As someone who grew up living in Central Illinois, tornadoes have always held my interest.

10. Stiff by Mary Roach
I have yet to read a nonfiction book by Mary Roach, and I am determined to change that.

Do you have any nonfiction reading recommendations?


  1. These all look great! Only one I've read, so I'll have to add a few to my the.

  2. I don't know why but I'm drawn to #6. I hardly read any non-fiction books but I did really like Crazy is My Superpower last year. It is a memoir. It can get really sad but I loved it nonetheless.


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