October 3, 2015

The Outlander Series 2015 Reading Challenge Giveaway!

I can't believe my Outlander challenge has officially come to a close. Time flies. I am so sorry that I ended up getting two months behind with the Outlander posts, but I have a really good reason. I bought my first house and got a second job a couple of months ago, which in turn made for one crazy summer. Anyway...

Even though I failed at my own challenge, some of you succeeded and deserve to be recognized for your efforts. Whether you read 1, 2, or all of the books in the series, you can enter to win a $10 gift card to The Book Depository or Amazon! Heck, I even have a free entry for anyone who originally signed up in the challenge, because I of all people know that sometimes you have the best intentions but life gets in the way. Not to mention that I never pass up an opportunity to help support my fellow book nerds' bookish buying habits. ;) All you have to do is share the links to your reviews on the books in the rafflecopter below. It can be a link to a blog post, a tweet, a goodreads review, etc. Anything that shows that you read the book counts. Good luck!


How many books did you read? I read two. I still plan to finish the series in the nearish future.


  1. Sounds like a fun challenge! I have to get started on the series ASAP but I always feel overwhelmed by the size of the novels when I see them in the library hehe.

  2. Gosh, the time just gets away from us doesn't it?! I managed the first three, but didn't review a darn one of them. Thanks for the freebie entry anyway :) I just recently started #4 but am barely a chapter in -- I WILL finish off the series, but I just keep getting distracted by (shorter!) books.

    1. Time flew! You did have an adorable major life event happen. lol ;) I will finish the series too, but I agree with you... it is so hard when you can read multiple books in the time it would take to read one Outlander book!

  3. I can't believe my Outlander challenge has officially come to a close. Time flies. I am so sorry that I ended up getting two months behind with the Outlander posts, but I have a really good reason. I bought my first house and got a second job a couple of months ago, which in turn made for one crazy summer. Anyway...


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