November 27, 2013

Veronica Roth Q&A + Signing!!

I met Veronica Roth and embarrassed myself. It was totally worth it!

On Oct. 26 (Now officially Veronica Roth day in Illinois!) I went to the Veronica Roth Allegiant tour in Illinois. It was an epic day.

It all started while waiting outside the theater (after stopping to get Starbucks of course). 

Right before we got in line outside the theater!
Left: Amanda Middle: Me! Right: Lyndsey 
Even though we stood outside for about an hour and a half in the semi-cold weather before we were let into the theater it was totally worth it. We got to meet some other awesome fans in line, sign a fan made poster (that she later gave to Veronica) where you signed near the faction symbol you think you would be in (Candor for me, although I wish I was I'm just not brave enough to be Dauntless), and the most important reason it was worth waiting in line... we got great seats, three rows from the stage on the left hand side!

By the end of the day it was full of signatures covering the whole page!

An organist played before Veronica took the stage. Right before the big event started he actually lowered into the ground! This was pretty darn cool and he was pretty darn good. My friends and I sat back and talked with the anticipation building with every second. When she appeared on the stage I'm pretty sure I had a epic fan girl moment, but that was to be expected.

Margot from Epic Reads (and Tea Time of course) was there to interview Veronica. Margot is just as awesome in person as she is on Tea Time. I only got to meet her for a brief minute but she book shimmied with me and I got a picture with her! I love her story of hard core fangirling over Divergent and Insurgent.

Love her!
Veronica Roth is a lot of fun and so adorable and awkard and just plain awesome.

Highlights of Veronica's Q&A
  • She is a Potterhead and fan girls a lot, mega creepy style.
  • During a Zombie Apocalypse out of all of the Dauntless she would choose Four to fight on her side. (I know I would.)
  • She doesn't want to co-write a book because she thinks it would be crazy hard.
  • She wrote Divergent while wearing rubber ducky jamies! :)
  • She really does write while walking on her treadmill desk thing.
  • She wouldn't share any details about any future projects but said she will probably be sticking to young adult books.
  • She tells us what her four fears would be "swarms of centipedes, swarms cockroachs, swarms of spiders, and heights."
  • She talked a little about the topic of suicide and the character Al in Divergent.
  • If she had to choose a faction she would pick Abnegation. She says it's because she is a champion of the underdog and that selflessness is important. But in the end she claims she would be Factionless so she could be free.
  • She admits that there is no question... she would immediately die if she was placed in The Hunger Games.
  • Veronica Roth can sing! She sung a very moving song about Tris called The Mark with her brother. 

The Signing

Although I only got about 30 seconds or so of actual face time with Veronica Roth it was a lot of fun! So here is how I embarrassed myself. This is my first big author signing I've been to and so while waiting in line for at least 20 minutes I repeditly practied what I was going to say when it was my turn. I was going to say things about how awesome the books are, how I tell everyone to read them, how I enjoy her writing, how I love four, anything along those lines. So why when I it was my turn this is all I could come up with? For a good laugh see how our conversation went.

Me smiling hardcore while Veronica signs my copy of Allegiant!

Veronica: Hello
Me: Hi! (smiling crazy)
Veronica: How are you?
Me: You look really pretty today! (Seriously that is all that came out of my mouth. Nothing close to what I was practicing.)
Veronica: Thank you very much. (At least she smiled at me and was super nice about my total awkwardness.)
Me: Thanks so much. (While I grab the book from her hands and slowly walk away still staring, once again in a very creepy fashion.)

In the end it was a great day and I wouldn't change it for the world. Hopefully next time I meet someone famous I actually say something more interesting, although at least I gave her a compliment! Here is a picture of all of the swag I received! I had a great day and can't wait to go to another author signing!

Goodies: The Path to Allegiant, Stickers, Button, Allegiant Poster, & my signed copy. Yes, my real name is Alli! lol

November 26, 2013

TTT #14: Top Ten Things I am Thankful For

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly event hosted over at The Broke and the Bookish.  

This week for Top Ten Tuesday we are sharing the things we are thankful for. I decided to keep mine all bookish to a degree. In no particular order...

1. My Husband

I married the love of my life a little over a year ago and I couldn't be happier. Although he occasionally gets on my nerves, he is a great guy who loves me and cares for me. Most importantly, he loves it when I read and snuggle up next to him while he plays his video games. It is a win-win situation. Did I also mention that he is really good at helping me not to procrastinate on things such as blog posts? Well he is, so we should all be thankful for that. ;)

2. My Family

Not only is my family always there for me, but lucky for me I have a mom who loves reading. Thanks to my mom and my dad reading to me all the time as a kid and then continuing to encourage me to read a lot on my own I was able to discover the wonderful world of books. Oh... and I love my brothers too, even if they don't read as much as me, and a quick shout out to my oh so crazy extended family and my husband's family.

3. The Library

My husband and I moved over the summer to a new town because my husband got a new job. So not only am I beyond thankful for my local public library for providing my reading addiction with a huge amount of free books, but I am thankful I got a job working there as well.

4. Books

I know this is general but let's be honest, I wouldn't have this blog if it wasn't for books, and my life wouldn't be as nearly as awesome if I wasn't always reading and escaping into their pages.

5. My e-reader

I still prefer the printed word but my e-reader is a savior on long car rides and vacations due to its portable size and ability to hold hundreds of books.

6. My Blog & Blogger Friends

I am beyond thankful for this blog. I have made some great blogger reading friends that I would never have otherwise. I also love being able to share my love of books with so many others out there in the world.

7. Sweaters/Hoodies/Cardigans

I love when it gets chilly out solely because I have an excuse to break out my cardigans and sweaters and other warm clothing. I don't know why but my favorite time to read and write is all snuggled up on the couch in a nice warm comfortable sweater.

8. Coffee

I am a big coffee drinker and I swear that most days if I didn't have any I wouldn't be able to function. Iced or hot I do my best reading, writing, and blogging while drinking coffee. I swear.

9. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

I am thankful for NaNoWriMo because it got me to finally sit down on my butt and write that novel I have always wanted to write and said I would but never did. I finished NaNo on Nov. 19 when I hit the goal of writing 50,000 words. I am still working on it since my novel is not yet finished. I'm now close to 60k. My plan is to have my very first very rough draft of my novel done before Christmas and I know I can do it. Then the new year will be revision time!

10. Authors

I am always thankful for authors. (I know this is obvious but I wanted to say it.) I love when one of my favorite authors comes out with a new book and I love discovering new authors. Without them I wouldn't have so many awesome books to read.
November 25, 2013

Review: Someone Else's Love Story by: Joshilyn Jackson

Someone Else’s Love Story by: Joshilyn Jackson (Nov. 19, 2013)
352 pages
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: William Morrow
Source: I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
Goodreads Summary: At twenty-one, Shandi Pierce is juggling finishing college, raising her delightful three-year-old genius son Natty, and keeping the peace between her eternally warring, long-divorced Catholic mother and Jewish father. She’s got enough complications without getting caught in the middle of a stick-up in a gas station mini-mart and falling in love with a great wall of a man named William Ashe, who willingly steps between the armed robber and her son.

Shandi doesn’t know that her blond god Thor has his own complications. When he looked down the barrel of that gun he believed it was destiny: It’s been one year to the day since a tragic act of physics shattered his universe. But William doesn’t define destiny the way other people do. A brilliant geneticist who believes in science and numbers, destiny to him is about choice.

Now, he and Shandi are about to meet their so-called destinies head on, in a funny, charming, and poignant novel about science and miracles, secrets and truths, faith and forgiveness,; about a virgin birth, a sacrifice, and a resurrection; about falling in love, and learning that things aren’t always what they seem—or what we hope they will be. It’s a novel about discovering what we want and ultimately finding what we need.

My Review
This book is nothing like what I was expecting, it was so much more and then some. Someone Else’s Love Story put me through a wide range of emotions and Joshilyn Jackson sure knows how to weave two strangers’ lives together in a thought provoking and seamless way.

We get both Shandi and William’s point of views throughout the novel. Shandi is 21, raising a three-year-old boy, and is trying to finish college. She is strong and has such character growth that I just wanted to give her a big old hug by the end of the novel. Oh and her son, adorable, that is all I need to say about him. William is the somewhat older man that saves Shandi and her son from a crazy man with a gun during a holdup at a gas station. William is a very unique character that I don’t see a lot of in the books that I read. I don’t want to say much about him because it would ruin some of the aspects of the book, so let’s just say that he is loveable and sometimes I just wanted to smack him. The minor characters are all special in their own way and aren’t very easy to forget. Actually, all of these characters seem to have left a lasting impression on me.

Someone Else’s Love Story could be considered a little slower paced at times but I had no problem finishing it shortly after I started. I never got bored. I loved the southern small town setting and even the big city setting, in my opinion they were both described really well. The beginning starts off with a bang and slows down just a little bit, but if you hang in there it will be worth it. The ending is lovely and not what I was expecting, in a good way.

If you are looking for a change of pace from young adult books, or just want to read something passionate, interesting, unique, and well written… pick up a copy of Someone Else’s Love Story.

** I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

November 24, 2013

The Bookish Report

Here are all of the top bookish stories, blog posts, pictures, and videos I found this past week. I put this post up every Sunday so come back again next week for more bookish awesomeness. 

Click away and enjoy your Sunday!


Like everyone else I'm sure you all have probably been in a reading slump at least once. If you are in one right now or for a future reference, read Publisher's Weekly's article 6 Ways to Beat Reader's Block

You NEED to read this article: 13 Clever Signs That Will Make You Want To Buy a Book.These are hilarious, fun, so true, and convincing, not that I need convincing.

Catching Fire came out in theaters this week! I can tell you that it is an amazing movie and even better than the first one. Have you seen it yet? What did you think? I had such a wide range of emotions while watching. Anyway, if you have seen the movie (Link Spoiler Alert) check out this list of the 12 big changes from page to screen in Catching Fire. 


If you are still looking for a secret Santa type gift exchange to participate in this year because you want to participate in more than one or you missed the deadline for the other one, there is still a chance to sign up for the The Belles' Enchanted Book Exchange.

Nicole over at The Quiet Concert wrote a very interesting post this week discussing whether she is being unfair to young adult books. There are many times that this idea has crossed my mind when reviewing a young adult book when I didn't like it as much because it was too juvenile, even though it is in fact a young adult book. Therefore, I have wondered if sometimes I'm too harsh when reviewing young adult books, but either way I'm probably going to keep reviewing like I have been. Do you think you are ever unfair to young adult books?

Parajunkee conducted a book blogger survey a little while ago and some of the results are in! I always love reading surveys for some reason. 


I do let a few select friends borrow books, but with a set of rules.
November 20, 2013

Review: 3:59 by: Gretchen McNeil

3:59 by: Gretchen McNeil (Sept. 2013)
368 pages
Genre: YA/Sci-Fi
Publisher: Balzer & Bray
Source: The Library
Goodreads Summary: Josie Byrne's life is spiraling out of control. Her parents are divorcing, her
boyfriend Nick has grown distant, and her physics teacher has it in for her. When she's betrayed by the two people she trusts most, Josie thinks things can't get worse.

Until she starts having dreams about a girl named Jo. Every night at the same time—3:59 a.m.
Jo's life is everything Josie wants: she's popular, her parents are happily married, and Nick adores her. It all seems real, but they're just dreams, right? Josie thinks so, until she wakes one night to a shadowy image of herself in the bedroom mirror – Jo.

Josie and Jo realize that they are doppelgängers living in parallel universes that overlap every twelve hours at exactly 3:59. Fascinated by Jo's perfect world, Josie jumps at the chance to jump through the portal and switch places for a day.

But Jo’s world is far from perfect. Not only is Nick not Jo's boyfriend, he hates her. Jo's mom is missing, possibly insane. And at night, shadowy creatures feed on human flesh.

By the end of the day, Josie is desperate to return to her own life. But there’s a problem: Jo has sealed the portal, trapping Josie in this dangerous world. Can she figure out a way home before it’s too late?

From master of suspense Gretchen McNeil comes a riveting and deliciously eerie story about the lives we wish we had – and how they just might kill you.

My Review
I picked up this book because I enjoyed Gretchen McNeil’s book Ten and because I like parallel universes. Although I didn’t enjoy 3:59 as much as her other book it was still an interesting, creepy, and cute read. To make this review easier to follow I’m going to break down what I did and didn’t like about it.

What I Liked

  • The very scary shadowy creatures that should only be in your nightmares that McNeil did an amazing job at describing to make your skin crawl.
  • The main character Josie does grow and change throughout the story. Not to mention that all the minor characters are pretty interesting as well.
  • The ending may not be the most surprising or the best, but I liked that it was unique.
  • A few small tidbits dealing with the parallel universes were very interesting.
  • I enjoyed the comic relief since it was a kind of dark story.

What I Didn't Like

  • This book seemed a little too high school for me. There was a lot of drama.
  • It was a little too easy to predict. There were not any real surprises making me somewhat bored at times.
  • It seemed a little repetitive to me, when dealing with the drama, and the science and what not.
Should You Read It?

Sure, why not? The book was still engrossing for the most part despite its small flaws. If you like Gretchen McNeil then you will probably enjoy this book from her as well. 

RATING 3.5/5 
November 17, 2013

The Bookish Report

Here are all of the top bookish stories, blog posts, pictures, and videos I found this past week. I put this post up every Sunday so come back again next week for more bookish awesomeness. 

Click away and enjoy your Sunday!


Apparently Derek Jeter is becoming a book publisher. If only I had money and/or was famous I could do anything I wanted to do.

It only took eight years of litigation but Google comes out the winner in the case of copyright infringement dealing with Google's scanning of library books.

This hilarious and somewhat true blog post from Barnes and Noble "10 Signs Someone You Know is Doing National Novel Writing Month" is totally worth checking out.

Have you ever seen or heard of the Will Write For Chocolate comics? If you haven't you are totally missing out. I spent a half an hour the other day looking through all the comics on this site. It's prefect for book lovers and writers.

Blog Posts

If you love book boyfriends and have a lot of them you may want to consider participating in the 25 Days of Book Boyfriends!

Apparently while I was at work or working on my book the issue of pirating books was all over Twitter. If you want to read more about this topic then you should really check out these two blog posts: Soapbox Saturday: Pirating Books and Justifications of a Book Pirate.


Click on the photo for more pictures!
November 15, 2013

NaNoWriMo is Half Over and I'm Kicking Its A**

I can officially say that I am half way through NaNoWriMo and I am winning!

I was nervous about participating in Nation Novel Writing Month at first (
I have tried to write a couple of novels in the past and never finished them) but I worry no longer.  Little did I know that if I had a deadline and a competition to compete in that I could write a (very rough draft) novel in a month. I am having fun writing, it's very interesting when my characters have a mind of their own and start doing things I hadn't planned. It's not always easy and fun though, I force myself to sit down and write at least 2,000 words every single day and sometimes this simple task will take me hours because I just can't concentrate. Okay, enough rambling. Here is my word count so far... drum roll please...

40,006 words!!!!

Now for some fun statistics to further explain how awesome this is.

Well as you can see I'm way above schedule! I'm feeling pretty darn accomplished right now. I'm hoping my novel will be around 80,000 words and I may even finish the whole thing this month. We shall see. Hopefully one day in the future after A LOT of editing my work of art will be good enough for me to share with everyone. Until then, carry on.

**If you are participating in NaNo please share your progress below! If you are not participating and you would just like to cheer me on feel free to do that as well. ;) 
November 14, 2013

Review: The Bone Season by: Samantha Shannon

The Bone Season by: Samantha Shannon (Aug. 2013)
466 pages
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Source: The Library
Goodreads Summary: It is the year 2059. Several major world cities are under the control of a security
force called Scion. Paige Mahoney works in the criminal underworld of Scion London, part of a secret cell known as the Seven Seals. The work she does is unusual: scouting for information by breaking into others’ minds. Paige is a dreamwalker, a rare kind of clairvoyant, and in this world, the voyants commit treason simply by breathing.

But when Paige is captured and arrested, she encounters a power more sinister even than Scion. The voyant prison is a separate city—Oxford, erased from the map two centuries ago and now controlled by a powerful, otherworldly race. These creatures, the Rephaim, value the voyants highly—as soldiers in their army.

Paige is assigned to a Rephaite keeper, Warden, who will be in charge of her care and training. He is her master. Her natural enemy. But if she wants to regain her freedom, Paige will have to learn something of his mind and his own mysterious motives.

The Bone Season introduces a compelling heroine—a young woman learning to harness her powers in a world where everything has been taken from her. It also introduces an extraordinary young writer, with huge ambition and a teeming imagination. Samantha Shannon has created a bold new reality in this riveting debut.

My Review

**This review may seem overly negative and I apologize for that. I want you to know that I did like The Bone Season but I just didn't love it and for some reason it's always easier to write about the things I don't like than the things I do like.

The only reason I picked up a copy of The Bone Season to begin with was because of all the hype. This book was even featured in Entertainment Weekly. I should have known better than to totally choose to read a book based on hype alone. It wasn’t a total loss, I did enjoy The Bone Season, but I wouldn’t call it the next big thing. 

Honestly, in my opinion the beginning of The Bone Season was a confusing mess of an info dump.  The Bone Season is one hell of a complex novel.  Luckily there is a little chart at the beginning of the novel that explains all the different types of clairvoyant people. (Seriously there are a lot so it’s helpful.) So not only do the numerous amount of different clairvoyants make this book confusing, along with the info dump, but the fact that the author used old underground English literature along with all of the made up words makes it super confusing. Although you do catch on after a while. By the time I read the seventh book I’ll probably be a pro. I still have mixed feelings about the book as a whole, but I will probably read the next one because the book does get incredibly better as it progresses.

The Bone Season is certainly different than most of the books I’ve read, you know I always love finding a book that is unique. It is a little creepy and has a lot of cool things/items/stuff (like controlling ghosts and other crazy things) in it. The main character, Paige, is kind of stupid and that is never a quality I want in a heroine. She may be strong willed and pretty darn tough but man is she also pretty dumb. Oh and The Warden, her keeper and not shockingly her kind of love interest, has “secrets.” I use the quotes because he may have secrets but they are pretty darn obvious and it takes Paige way too long to figure them out. Not to mention that the romance wasn't anything special. BUT, the pacing (besides the info dumps) was pretty good and there are a lot of good action scenes.

If you are willing to look past the info dumps or info dumps just don’t bother you, then I think you will probably really enjoy The Bone Season. It has a really unique fantasy element to it and some great action scenes that would make it worth it. Plus there are seven books so if you love it you get many more of the story. A lot of people love this book so it may be that I wanted a relaxing read and ended up getting one I had to work at, so don't lose hope if you planned on reading this, you will probably like it.
MY RATING: 3.5/5 Stars
November 13, 2013

Library Loot #12

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries.

Considering I still have a couple of books to read from my last loot I may have gone a little crazy this week. Eh, you can never have too many books! There are a lot of different types of books that I grabbed this week. If you see one you think I should read right away please tell me!

My Library Loot


November 12, 2013

Review: Bellman & Black by: Diane Setterfield

Bellman & Black by: Diane Setterfield (Nov. 5, 2013)
328 pages
Genre: Fiction/Gothic
Publisher: Atria/Emily Bestler Books
Source: I received a free ARC of the book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Purchase: Barnes and NobleAmazon
Goodreads Summary: Bellman & Black is a heart-thumpingly perfect ghost story, beautifully and
irresistibly written, its ratcheting tension exquisitely calibrated line by line. Its hero is William Bellman, who, as a boy of 11, killed a shiny black rook with a catapult, and who grew up to be someone, his neighbours think, who "could go to the good or the bad." And indeed, although William Bellman's life at first seems blessed—he has a happy marriage to a beautiful woman, becomes father to a brood of bright, strong children, and thrives in business—one by one, people around him die. And at each funeral, he is startled to see a strange man in black, smiling at him. At first, the dead are distant relatives, but eventually his own children die, and then his wife, leaving behind only one child, his favourite, Dora. Unhinged by grief, William gets drunk and stumbles to his wife's fresh grave—and who should be there waiting, but the smiling stranger in black. The stranger has a proposition for William—a mysterious business called "Bellman & Black" . . .

My Review

Bellman & Black is essentially a story about life and death. William Bellman lives an amazing life, has a job he loves and is good at it, has a beautiful family, and a lot of money. That is until a sickness takes over many in his town and his wife and two of his children succumb to death. Then everything changes when he finally meets the man in black, the one that he has seen at countless funerals over the years.

There is one thing I can say with certainty about Bellman & Black, Setterfield knows how to tell a story. She writes beautifully and has the ability to write descriptions of images that will take a while to leave your mind. It's a beautiful yet very dark story and at times very creepy, but one worth reading.

William Bellman is a man I love and a man I hate. To put it simply, he is a great character. He is obsessed with work and numbers. If you don't like a lot of business talk then this book could perhaps get a little boring or frustrating for you. It didn't bother me at all because I found it all so interesting. His daughter Dora is also a great character, from a fun loving child to a darker personality and yet always kind. There are a lot of characters that you will get to meet if you read Bellman & Black and all are significant no matter how small of a role they play, and each will make you feel some sort of emotion.

So after all of this praise why did I only give Bellman & Black 3.5 stars? It's complicated. I think part of the reason is because it wasn't as good as her other book, The Thirteenth Tale, (I know this shouldn't be a factor but whatever) the other part just has to do with a feeling I had when reading, that something was missing. Overall, the big meeting between Black and Bellman just didn't live up to my expectations and that is the main reason for its star rating.

If you are willing to read something a little dark, at times creepy, but full of vivid descriptions and wonderful writing, then Bellman & Black shouldn't be passed up. 

MY RATING: 3.5/5 stars
November 10, 2013

Top Bookish News of The Past Week

Here are all of the top bookish stories, blog posts, pictures, and videos I found this past week. I put this post up every Sunday so come back again next week for more bookish awesomeness. 

Click away and enjoy your Sunday!


You can order Butterbeer at Starbucks! I'm going to try this the next time I go to Starbucks. I'm sure it's good but it probably isn't as perfect as the Butterbeer I had at Harry Potter World in Florida.

There are some new Divergent movie posters out! More please! Why oh why do we have to wait until next year for the movie?

There may be a Hunger Games theme park. Does anyone else find this kind of twisted?


Inspiring Insomnia has a fun and interesting post about how to prepare for the Catching Fire Movie release! What a unique and good idea for a post! I didn't even know that at some theaters you can reserve your seat for the movie. When are you planning on seeing Catching Fire? I may go at midnight if I can still get tickets. I need to figure that out. :/
November 9, 2013

Release Day Review: The Final Omen (Second Sight #4) by: Heather Topham Wood

The Final Omen (Second Sight #4) by: Heather Topham Wood
Genre: Paranormal/Romance/Mystery/New Adult
Source: I received an arc of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thanks Heather!
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Smashwords
Goodreads Summary: Psychic Kate Edwards had seen her death in a premonition. She was given the
opportunity to stop her murder from happening and finally reconnect with her love Detective Jared Corbett. However, fate had different ideas…

Kate finds herself trapped between life and death. Her only companion is Rose Corbett, Jared’s long dead mother. Rose offers answers to many of Kate’s long-awaited questions and alludes to what the future could hold. However, before Kate can finally be happy, she must complete a seemingly impossible task: save Jared from his own tragic fate.

The Final Omen concludes the thrilling Second Sight series.
New Adult Paranormal Romance-Ages 17+ due to language and sexual situations.

My Review

Although I'm incredibly sad (and I'm sure you are too) that this is the last book for Kate and Jared and all of the other lovable characters in Wood's Second Sight series, I can guarantee that the conclusion will leave you satisfied. Heather Topham Wood knows how to write a good story and memorable characters.

The Final Omen begins right where the last book left off. We get even more answers to Kate's visions and how they came about. 

Kate is just as awesome and just as snarky in this novel, not to mention very clever. Jared acts a little out of character making me uneasy here and there, but given the circumstances it's understandable. In the end I still love him. Declan is just as much of an awesome jerk as ever and Kate's mom is still sweet.

There are a lot of little surprises in this installment. Wood does a great job with the mystery story line of trying to figure out who Kate's attacker is. We also get some romance and friendship scenes which really round out the feel of the whole book. It satisfied all my bookish cravings.

Although The Final Omen was a little too short for my tastes, I felt like it could have been even better if it were longer, I liked that it was a quick read. Once you start you won't want to put it down. 

If you have yet to read this series you really should. If you are already a fan then don't put it off any longer and grab yourself a copy of The Final Omen. Did I mention that the first book in the series, First Visions, is currently on sale on amazon for only 99 cents?! Well it is. So what are you waiting for? This is a unique New Adult novel. I can't say that it's the best well written novel ever, but I can say that it's a darn good story worth discovering.

** I received an arc of The Final Omen from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thanks Heather!

November 5, 2013

TTT #13: Top Ten Sequels I Can't Wait To Get My Hands On

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly event hosted over at The Broke and the Bookish.  

This week's topic is sequels! Here are the top ten eight sequels that I can't wait to get my hands on. Sadly most of them aren't going to be out for a while. Share below what sequels you are waiting on!

1.  The Book of Life (All Souls Trilogy #3) by: Deborah Harkness

(July 15, 2014)

  I am a big fan of A Discovery of Witches and it was just recently announced that the third book will be coming out next July and that it has a title! I can't wait to get back to Matthew and Diana's journey.

2.  Untitled (Throne of Glass #3) by: Sarah J. Maas

There is no title and no release date but I still can't wait to get my hands on this sucker! I want more!

3.  The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5) by: Rick Riordan

(Oct. 7, 2014)

I can never get enough of Percy Jackson and his adventures!

4.  Independent Study (The Testing #2) by: Joelle Charbonneau

(Jan. 7, 2014)

I really enjoyed The Testing and I feel like the sequel will be even better.

5.  The Retribution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #3) by: Michelle Hodkin

(June 10, 2014)

This book was originally supposed to come out this year but it got pushed back for some reason making me even more impatient to get my hands on it.

6.  Split Second (Pivot Point #2) by: Kasie West

(Feb. 11, 2014)

When I found out there was a sequel to Pivot Point I couldn't have been happier.

7.  Going Rogue (Also Known As #2) by: Robin Benway

(Jan. 14, 2014)

The first book was so much fun I hope this one gives me just as many laughs.

8.  The Unbound (The Archived #2) by: Victoria Schwab

(Jan. 28, 2014)

I didn't love the first one as much as I had hoped but I still loved it.
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