September 21, 2015

Review: Loop by Karen Akins

Loop (#1) by Karen Akins (2014)
324 pages
Genre: Young Adult/Time Travel
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Source: The library.
Purchase: Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Rating:
Goodreads Summary: At a school where Quantum Paradox 101 is a required course and history field trips are literal, sixteen year-old time traveler Bree Bennis excels... at screwing up.

After Bree botches a solo midterm to the 21st century by accidentally taking a boy hostage (a teensy snafu), she stands to lose her scholarship. But when Bree sneaks back to talk the kid into keeping his yap shut, she doesn't go back far enough. The boy, Finn, now three years older and hot as a solar flare, is convinced he’s in love with Bree, or rather, a future version of her that doesn't think he’s a complete pain in the arse. To make matters worse, she inadvertently transports him back to the 23rd century with her.

Once home, Bree discovers that a recent rash of accidents at her school are anything but accidental. Someone is attacking time travelers. As Bree and her temporal tag-along uncover seemingly unconnected clues—a broken bracelet, a missing data file, the art heist of the millennium—that lead to the person responsible, she alone has the knowledge to piece the puzzle together. Knowledge only one other person has. Her future self.

But when those closest to her become the next victims, Bree realizes the attacker is willing to do anything to stop her. In the past, present, or future.

My Review

I am a huge fan of time traveling books. If only I could time travel in real life... Anyway, Loop was a pleasant addition to the genre and I am very glad I read it. I was intrigued right from the start.

Bree is a time traveler, and she is hilarious. Talk about a girl after my own heart. Bree tends to run head first into a lot of mishaps and handles it as best she can, with gusto. As for Finn, he is adorable, loyal, and mysterious. Watching those two together try to handle all the crazy that is going on with time travelers is ridiculously fun! I absolutely delighted in reading about these charming and easy to relate to characters.

Most time traveling books are full of mysteries and time jumping rules and issues, and Loop is no different. I loved Karen Akins' time traveling world. I was always on my toes, never knowing exactly what to expect. I wanted to know what the heck was going on. It was always exciting!

I'm sorry I am not going to go into more details about Loop, but I refuse to give any of the time traveling/plot secrets away. All that you really need to know is that Loop is a very fun and exciting read.


  1. The fact that you liked this just cements my belief that I will too! I don't know when I will pick it up but I plan to!

    1. It was a very good read. :) Brittany liked it too so it is now your turn to read it.


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