Do you notice that my blog looks a little different? Or I guess I should say a LOT different?! Do you? This is how excited I am right now about the new look of my blog!
Okay, I think you get it.
For Christmas my husband gifted me with offering to pay for a professional designer to update the look of my blog for me. Since I have been doing this on my own since I first started this blog, almost three years ago, I was ecstatic. I am no designer and only know a little CSS and such so I could only do so much blog designing on my own. To celebrate I thought I would show you my three main past blogger headers so you could reminisce a little with me and see how awesome my blog has progressed through the ages. ;)
The Beginning
Here is my first attempt to design my own blog header.
I had no idea what I was doing at the time I made this and I think it turned out pretty good. After a while I got bored with this header and kind of wanted something that had a different feel to it. I was just ready to spice up my blog a bit and I was tired of looking at the same thing every day so I went ahead and gave the design thing another whirl.
The Middle
Here is the something fresh I came up with.
Not to shabby if I do say so myself. I was really enjoying this new look for a long while. Then I got bored again and when I took a second to look at the header a little closer I realized that the font wasn't doing anything for me. So I created my most recent header. (I took a fuller shot of my blog so you could also see my valiant effort at creating a cool background and side bar headings. Once again, I thought I did a pretty good job with such little experience.)
I loved the look of this one better even though it was really similar to my previous header. I thought it was super cute. I am pretty proud that I made all this myself, but after a while I realized that there really wasn't much else I could do on my own to give my blog a face lift. I was also looking for something a little more professional looking. I am kind of a very frugal person, and therefore I never thought I would spend money on having someone design my blog for me, but when my husband said he would buy me a blog redesign for Christmas as my gift... I was sold.
Out With the Old. In with the new.
Stephanie from
These Paper Hearts was wonderful to work with and made my now current blog design. I asked for something fun, clean, and professional and I got just that. I freaking LOVE it.
I really think the images in the header are a great representation of my book life. I work at a library and have always used my local one since I was little hence the library card, the books are pretty self-explanatory items, I am always drinking coffee, I wear glasses, and the journal represents my writing.
Once again, a huge thank you to Stephanie!
I'm sorry to say that due to time restraints and her new job Stephanie is no longer creating new blog designs, but you can find a whole bunch of her awesome blogging tips and tricks and design help on her blog
These Paper Hearts.